Ease The Anxiety

Ease The Anxiety

A new childcare experience can be overwhelming. The tips below will help you prepare your child for this experience and help you establish a good working relationship with your childcare provider.

Some children adjust to a new childcare situation almost immediately, others might take several months. Follow your child’s lead. Give them the time they need to adjust.

Here are some tips to ease their anxiety.
• Act positively about this new experience. Your child will pick up on your feelings.
• Plan a few short visits before you begin full-time to help your child ease into this new experience.
• Talk about and practice your new routine. Allow plenty of time for drop-off and be as consistent as possible on your pick-up time.
• Say good-bye the same way each day. Sneaking out is not advised. Explain that you are leaving and when you will return. It is common for a child to cry or fuss when you leave. To feel more at ease, call for a status report when you get to work.
• Take time each day to talk with your provider about your child’s daily schedule, sleeping routines, eating habits, etc.
• Ask your child to describe the events of their day. Note things they enjoyed and things that were stressful for them.
• Make sure your child gets proper rest and nutrition. New experiences can be exhausting.
• Read stories to your child that deal with feelings and new surroundings.
• Ask if your child can bring a favorite toy, blanket, or family photo with them. Knowing that item is in their cubby or close by can help a child feel more secure.

Child Care Resources…Working Within Our Community To Put Children First!

United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties…Every child is successful, every family is financially stable, and every community we serve is stronger.

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