FCC Food Program Calculator

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federally funded program to support nutritious meals and snacks for children in child care, including registered family child care homes.


Try out our calculator to see how your registered family child care home could benefit if you participate in the food program!

*These food reimbursement rates are in effect for registered family child care providers between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Rates are annually adjusted — the next rate adjustments will be announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in July 2025.

The calculator is an estimate based on 5 children eating lunch and breakfast and a snack daily. Your actual reimbursement will vary based on a child’s attendance (e.g., whether or not they are in your home to eat). Therefore, providers are only reimbursed for meals served to children who have attended that day. It is also possible to claim reimbursement for more than 5 children depending upon the schedules utilized (e.g., part-time vs full-time care), which could mean that meals and snacks could exceed 5 children per day.

Providers can keep their records on paper. Or, to save time and promote efficiency, Child Care Resources and the Camden Department of Children’s Services will offer free KidKare software that will enable providers to efficiently manage their records on their computer (or you can enter records through your phone). No worries, training will be provided!

Sound like something you want to try? Ask us how to sign up! We will help you!

CACFP Monitoring & Oversight

mom and girl in kitchen
baby food variety

Brief Explanation

Registered family child care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) are reimbursed for nutritious meals and snacks based on rates set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Rates are adjusted annually in July.

Reimbursement rates are higher for food served to children in families at or below 185% of the federal poverty level compared to children in families with income above 185% of the federal poverty level.

Consult with Child Care Resources in Monmouth County or the Department of Children’s Services in Camden County about the U.S.D.A. tiered reimbursement system and how you can maximize income for your program. Our staff can walk you through each step along the way!

Breakfast Rate

  • Tier I reimbursement amount for each child for breakfast is $1.66.  Tier II reimbursement for each child is 60 cents.

Lunch or Dinner

  • Tier I reimbursement for each child for lunch or dinner is $3.15 (children are allowed 2 meals per day) Tier II reimbursement is $1.88 per child.


  • Tier I reimbursement for each child for a snack is 93 cents.  Tier II reimbursement is 26 cents per child.  Children can have 1 reimbursable snack and 2 meals (or 2 snacks and 1 meal).

Number of Children

  • The reimbursement amounts are calculated based on the number of children in your home for whom you provide paid care and who eat meals and snacks each day (your own children are excluded).

CACFP Resources for Child Care Providers

CACFP & Taxes: Family Child Care providers are always better off participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

While CACFP reimbursement is revenue to a family child care provider’s program, food expenses are also deductible as a cost related to operating your home business. Often the deduction can exceed CACFP reimbursement. Learn more here.

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