What is CCR&R?

What is CCR&R?

Research has confirmed that children’s healthy development is dependent on safe and positive experiences during the first few years of life. Therefore choosing quality child care for any child is one of the most important decisions a parent will make for their child.

The child care market can be difficult to navigate. Child care in the United States is offered in many diverse settings such as private homes, licensed child care centers, churches, synagogues and on-site businesses. Licensing standards vary widely by state and locality, child care terminology is unfamiliar to most parents and accessing high quality options may be difficult. For families needing other resources, such as child care subsidy assistance to pay for child care, accessing child care is even more complex and difficult.

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) connects parents, child care providers, community leaders and policymakers with regards to child care. CCR&R agencies serve as this link by providing services to each of these parties. The core services of CCR&R agencies in New Jersey are,

  • Helping families choose and access the child care option that is best for them
  • Supporting all child care providers through training and technical assistance
  • Register Family Child Care providers
  • Provide child care supply demand data, as well as data on child care issues and trends
  •  Provide consultation to employers
  • Through these services, CCR&R’s bring the voices of children, families, and child care providers to the community and policymakers

There is a CCR&R agency located in every county in New Jersey. Child Care Aware of New Jersey (CCANJ) is a non-profit organization comprised of CCR&R agencies serving sixteen counties of New Jersey whose purpose is the direct provision or coordination of child care resource and referral services to the public. CCANJ believes that all children deserve access to high quality, affordable child care. For a list of CCANJ agencies, click here.