Business Resources
Facts to Consider
Child Care Resources Can Help
Child Care Resources offers services to employers related to child care. Our professional staff will work with you to improve the work life and family situations of your workforce.
Child Care Referral Services
Through Child Care Resources’ referral services, our staff can help parents navigate their child care choices through individualized counseling. Access to a professional referral counselor is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Child Care Resources can even set a time and date to set up a referral sessions at your location. All child care referrals include a personalized free listing of regulated child care choices, information on all available child care options and customized publications to assist the family with their search.
Workplace Seminars
Our experienced experts will provide on-site training and discussions, helping your employees manage issues related to child care. These seminars can be held at any time. We can offer seminars including, but not limited to, Choosing Quality Child Care, Child Development and Parenting. Each participant will receive a packet of additional materials based on the topics discussed.
To learn more about how Child Care Resources can support your business, please contact, Kim Perrelli, Executive Director at 732-918-9901, Ext. 121 or at