09 May “Cover All Kids” an Expansion of NJ FamilyCare
The New Jersey Department of Human Services is pleased to support “Cover All Kids,” an expansion of NJ FamilyCare to all of New Jersey’s children, regardless of their immigration status. Children who do not have lawful presence in the U.S., live in New Jersey, and whose family income qualifies are eligible to receive NJ FamilyCare healthcare coverage. NJ FamilyCare provides a variety of health services, such as doctor/specialist visits, mental health, vision, dental, vaccinations, and a number of other benefits to keep children healthy. To find out more about Cover All Kids, please visit www.nj.gov/coverallkids. There are a number of resources, including FAQs, printable flyers, and shareable social media graphics, to help you learn more about the program.
If you or your family get healthcare from NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid, we have important news about your benefits. NJ FamilyCare has returned to regular annual renewals. From April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024, NJ FamilyCare will mail the first renewal packets since 2020 to its members. Please make sure your mailing address is up-to-date with NJ FamilyCare by calling 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 711). When you receive mail from NJ FamilyCare, make sure you follow the instructions and return your packet. If you have questions, visit www.nj.gov/StayCoveredNJ, or call 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 711).
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