Child Caregivers Tag

Is loving and responsive One who hugs, rocks, cuddles, seeks eye contact and enjoys the child…who responds to the baby’s smiles and emerging skills and interests…who finds ways to expand upon children’s play to help them learn new skills…who is sociable and interested in children. One...

Child Care Resources recognizes the positive impact of parent partnerships. Our Parenting Village is designed to be an integrated approach that provides on-going opportunities for parents to engage with their children, connect with other parents, and gain insight on parenting and their child’s development.  This kind...

A new childcare experience can be overwhelming. The tips below will help you prepare your child for this experience and help you establish a good working relationship with your childcare provider. Some children adjust to a new childcare situation almost immediately, others might take several months. Follow...

Family well-being includes the safety, health, and financial stability of all family members. Safe, healthy, and financially secure families are more likely to reach the goals they set for themselves and their children. Early childhood professionals can contribute to the well-being of families and their...

The work isn’t over when you find good care for your child. Building a strong relationship with your provider will help your child’s learning and development. Look for ways to exchange information about your child and have conversations about caregiving and your child’s learning. Here are...

Even the best planned child care arrangements can be disrupted from time to time. Without emergency care, more commonly known as back-up care, working parents may be forced to stay home or bring their child to work with them. By planning ahead and knowing your...